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Whether we're facing physical or emotional pain, exploring our creative side can help us tap into our inner strengths  and through compassion and curiosity, a safe and supportive environment is established for healing, self-expression and growth.

Hello and welcome.


Please feel free to reach out with any questions about the services offered including EMDR, creative arts therapies, Reiki, sound work, sound baths and

Days of Mindfulness for groups small and large. 


Read below for more information about each service.

You can contact me directly via email by clicking HERE

or leave a message at 917-426-4393 

and I will return your call within 48 hours.


If this is an emergency, please contact or go to your nearest emergency facility. 
If you are a survivor, please go to the More tab for resources. 

Eyes Graffiti

Creative Arts Therapies

The psychoanalyst, Carl Jung, is quoted as saying "The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity."

 When we are engaged in the creative act, we begin to make connections between the mind and our emotional and physical states and understand a deeper, more intimate part of who we are.

Our innate creative self is curious and in the curiosity, we begin to have perspective and insight.

In the process of creative inquiry, self-actualization, connection, and healing begins. 


Water ripples view from above.jpg


Dr. Besel van der Kolk , MD, describes EMDR in his book, "The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma"  as one of the most effective methods for alleviating the symptoms of trauma. EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing and was developed by the psychologist, Francine Shapiro for the purpose of  alleviating the distress associated with traumatic memories and symptoms.  I have worked with many clients using EMDR to great affect and I highly recommend this approach for anyone seeking relief from symptoms of trauma and PTSD.

Image by Katherine Hanlon


Reiki is based on the principle that the universal life force energy flows naturally through all of us. Through consensual light touch, Reiki provides the body and mind to achieve equanimity, calm, and release of tension and stress through  activating the natural healing processes  by gently opening and guiding the client into balance. The combination of Reiki and sound helps to balance the autonomic nervous system through vibration of the bio-field. 

Yoga Child's Pose

Days of Mindfulness

Days of Mindfulness are daylong retreats focusing on the practice of Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. Each day focuses on deep listening practices, self-care, creative inquiry through group activities, sound walks, mindful eating and and engagement with one another using all our senses. Days of Mindfulness include sound bath meditations. 


Sound Bath Meditations

Sound Baths are deep listening experiences incorporating a wide variety of musical drone instruments such as gongs, metal and crystal singing bowls, monochords, hand pans,  bells, flutes, and voice.  Sound Baths are effective in providing a sense of grounding, connection, opening, and release.  We incorporate breath, voice, visualization, gentle movement, and essential oils to open the mind and heart for this inner journey of healing and transformation.  

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